another day off???

I believe that today is yet another off-day to ST CO, MIRI. How will they ever have enough time to catch up with their lessons and studies to prepare them for the PMR and



*Warning* Highly addictive! Click on block groups of three or more to destroy them but avoiding clicking singles and doubles. Now with a high score board powered by MochiAds!


You can play it here now, without having to leave my page...

A similiar game..

Hellos from the ex-es..

Boys o i glad to 'hear' from you two...It has been a while since we last saw you and heard from you.

It is really encouraging and uplifting to know that those of you (ahem* young adults by now) are doing great. Praise the Lord that all of you are in churches and care groups, worshipping the Lord and serving Him.

It's a totally different world out there.

Yesterday in Discipleship class, we concluded that the world nowadays are getting more evil, Jesus is coming soon. Are you ready to meet Him? Hahaha Leo is not, says he wanna marry first. Hahaha...

hip hop and whatnot..

Hi, i came across this wonderful site. Go read.

"Many people fail to understand the significant role music plays on the attitude and psyche of young minds. God has challenged us as The Yuinon to be a resource to the body of Christ in this area. As young adults who grew up amid the hip-hop generation, we have seen and experienced firsthand music’s influence and persuasive power. As born again believers, we now see clearly that music is a major battlefield in the war for the hearts and minds of our youth. Hip-hop music is of our generation; we refuse to sit idly by and allow it to destroy them by promoting promiscuity, glorifying violence, materialism, vanity, and drug abuse.

The Yuinon is a movement, a consortium of individuals with a variety of gifts and talents but most importantly, determined to be salt and light to the youth and young adults who struggle with issues of identity and morality within a culture eroding right before our very eyes. We are committed to laboring diligently to bring God glory and accomplish this goal in a variety of ways.
Hi, came across this wonderful site. Go explore for your self.

"An innovative website for information sharing, cultural analysis and encouragement.
Yuinon Records: Quality Christian hip-hop music that will challenge, encourage and address heart felt needs and social issues.
Multi-media projects including videos, DVD’s and documentaries.
Special events and conferences to raise awareness, strategize and fellowship.
We are honored and excited to be used by God to serve in this capacity, shedding light on the deeds of darkness that are being masked with clever marketing, lyrics and music videos. Thank you for taking the time to read this letter of introduction to The Yuinon. We covet your prayers and may God continue to richly bless you.

In His Service,

The Yuinon"


Youth Sunday....any ideas??

Alyssa has been assigned to come up with a dance for the youth on youth sunday 13/5. If you have any idea or resources or or any websites that she can refer to pls let her know.

YEa Alyssa, i've been to youtube and i like the moves of these two dances. The second dance moves are kinda repetitive but maybe u can adopt and adapt ... Well,U R the dance instructor..hahahaha...

the Youth Group of Hanseo Church

the ACF Worship nite

Browse thru a lot of videos le but still.... i think the above, the moves are ok.. dunno lah... u all decide... give ideas, pleeease.. we don have much time for practice.. :(


Here's a good 15 minutes of fun... see if you can do it in 15 minutes... Good luck!

to stimulate your brain. This time, however, there are no clues. All we know is that on a calm and peaceful day you receive an unknown package with a note stuck on it. Suddenly you realize that you have unknowingly activated this package bomb! Your phone lines have been cut and if your attempt to flee the bomb will be detonated remotely. Your only chance of survival is by deactivating the bomb.

The timer has started to count down and you've got only fifteen minutes to solve the various puzzles and defuse the bomb. Be patient and hold your nerves to figure out the solution to each puzzle and save your life! Good luck.

Friday already...

14 April 2007 - St Co Prefect Camp ... Hmmmmph... really would like to know more about it tho.. Most of the hearsay i got on the climax of such camps was the SCARE NITE/FRIGHT NITE. Just wondering wat it could be tho... scaring peeps in the middle of the nite? Daring them to sleep in the nearby cemetery? Full of all sorts of imagination here . Guess i just have to wait till Sunday evening ..

How has yr week been? Mine kinda whoooshed by , looking back it seems that i haven't really done anything. Kinda easily...

Guess i'll just sit back and 'rest' or then again, could it be that i'm tired cos i wasn't doing anything??? (p/s i was NEVER tired on saturdays and sundays.... hehe)


Morning. morning, morning!!! I know you all like ILLUSIONS ... i came across these while browsing.

See if you can spot 13 FACES


Can you see a face in this coffee bean pile?

This one is my favourite. Try to locate 82 vodka bottles.

Click on the picture to view/download a larger version.

What do you see in this picture?

Scientific research showed that children can't recognise erotic scenes.
Instead they see 9 dolphins.

On the other hand, adult's mind is rather "corrupted" so adult person may have problems spoting 9 dolphins at first eye glaze.

If you have trouble spoting dolphins in the first 6 seconds, then your mind is heavily corrupted, and you are seriously obsessed with sex! ...

Speaking of optical illusion, i can't help but to think that we are all walking optical illusions too...the way we camouflaged our feelings, our behaviours and our personalities in order to blend comfortably with the surrounding. No?

I was reading about the Hebrews in the days of the Moses.... phew! so many laws!

Law makes life tolerable. the Law helps to hold the covenant people together, to give some sense of social justice and to provide the light of morality to the world.

The Hebrews were to be set apart, under special restrictions, DELIBERATELY DIFFERENT from other people. They were to be God's people, DISTINCT. Like wise i see and believe the same should goes for us as Christians too. To be deliberately different and distinct that in whatever and however we speak, act or think, it should be a reflection of the Christ in us. Amen?

Hahaha, my student forwarded me this link, kinda tickled me by the results. Go and see. Friends forever!

News flash!!

What happens when messages are passed orally?? Yeah... it sort of get twisted, modified etc... If one person represented one generation, what would become of the message?

On Sat nite, Unc TC led us thru this ice-breaker to tell us how the BIBLE REMAINS INCORRUPTED AND TRUE after so many many years. What are the elements that preserved the Word of God?

More pictures...

Our NEW GOD PROVIDED worship leader..

Incredible!!! Alvin singing second-voice...

hahaha....yeah... the new drummer.. of cos la JT, not yr match..

random shots...
NOW would You Look at That!!!! in front of the whole fellowship...

Girls be aware of your surrounding....

Hello and a good afternoon to you all. Just a note of concern to all you girls reading this post. I'll let the photos say it all.

and this is how it was done..... so girls be aware of the people standing beside you..

You won't want yr photos to be circulated in the internet now, would you?

Hey, everybody!! Remember our dear Chung Hui? Well he is doing very well in Perth. Neh.... the fair guy who used to sit or stand in the front row during our i-youth?? A great pal of JT and LB?? No?? still don't get it?? The one who published his first seller...?? OK, here's a screen-shot of the event...

Frank, if you are reading this, welcome to the 'blogosphere' XD. Yeah!! Guyz and dollz go and encourage him, drop comments, and whatnot on his blog. Personally I am very encouraged to read your blogs, so go there and make a mark on his blog.

清明節- tending to the graves of departed ones.

Hi... how have you been? I was away for two days in Sibu and Kanowit with my in-laws. How was the movie on Saturday nite? Did you all enjoy it?

To Kanowit...hahaha... Unc took the wrong road and we ended up 1hr45mins later. :)
In Kanowit

an unattended tomb

See all the tall grasses... imagine when it is dark...

Unc TC and his bro...tending to the tomb of their grandpa(mom's side) from china.

The day was scorching! and it was a good thing that the grave site is located near the river. Strong breeze..

In Sibu

That's Unc TC's mom at the grave of her in-laws

Saw these nearby... thought they were those which were used to hold preserved cabbages, only to learn later that they once contained the remains of the deceased...

Was glad that i went along with Mom-in-law and bro-in-law... in a way as their remembered the good old days, our threads of our relationship are knitted closer and tighter. Personally speaking, and again i quote from my entry in December , funerals are for the living.

chit chat corner

if you've got dreams in your heart why don't you share them with me? and if dreams don't come true i'll make sure that your nightmares are through if you've got pain in your heart why don't you share it with me? and we'll just wait and see if it's half of what it used to be and lay it down slow lay it down free lay it down easy but lay it on me if you've got love in your heart why don't you keep it with mine? i can't promise a miracle but i'll always be trying and lay it down slow lay it down free lay it down easy but lay it on me lay it down easy lay it on me lay it down easy but lay it on me